Timer Jobs

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Activating the CopyMove farm feature installs these timer jobs:

CopyMove for SharePoint - Upgrade site collections. One-time job that upgrades the CopyMove site collection feature on all site collections where necessary. The job runs on the server where the farm feature was activated from.
CopyMove for SharePoint - Temporary files cleanup. Hourly job that deletes temporary CopyMove files older than 12 hours. The job runs on all SharePoint servers in the farm.
CopyMove for SharePoint - User links cleanup. Daily job that deletes expired destination links from all CopyMove user link lists in the farm. Destination links are expired when the last modified date is older than 90 days from today's date. The job runs on the server where the farm feature was activated from.
CopyMove for SharePoint - Ensure user links list. Daily job that ensures a CopyMove site collection and a user links list in each Web Application having one or more site collections with CopyMove enabled. The job runs on the server where the farm feature was activated from.

The CopyMove timer jobs can be viewed in the list of timer job definitions in SharePoint Central Administration as illustrated with the screen shot below.
