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CopyMove adds the following functionality to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0:

Copy and Move files in document libraries. Enables users to copy and move files across folders, lists, sites and site collections within the same farm. However, the target list must be of the same type as the source list.
Copy and Move list items. Enables users to copy and move list items across folders, lists, sites and site collections within the same farm. Again, the target list must be of the same type as the source list.
Copy and Move folders in document libraries. Enables users to copy and move entire folder structures, i.e. folders including all the files and sub-folders below it. However, users are prevented from performing a move in the event that the folder contains one or more files and/or sub-folders with unique permissions preventing full access to the current user.
Copy and Move folders in lists. Same story as for document libraries.
Copy and Move Web part pages. Support for copying and moving Web part pages including the Web parts on them.
Copy and Move across site collections. Enables users to copy and move content across any accessible site collections within the same farm.
Preserve version history. CopyMove preserves the full version history for files, folders and list items unless version history has not been enabled for the target location.
Preserve metadata. CopyMove preserves all metadata for files, folders and list items when copied or moved. This includes the created date, last modified date, created by user, last modified by user, content type, other system properties as well as all custom properties.
Preserve item permissions. Unique permissions on files, folders and list items are also preserved when copied or moved.
Warning on file overwrite. Warns users if they are about to overwrite any files and/or folders in the target location.
Warning on loss of version history. Moving files and list items from lists with version history enabled to another list without versioning, implies that the version history is lost. In this situation, CopyMove issues a warning to the user before starting the transaction.
Warning on loss of Content Type information. Moving files and list items associated with Content Types that do not exist in the target list, implies that this information is lost. In this situation CopyMove issues a warning to the user before starting the transaction.
Access Copy and Move from list views. In MOSS 2007 it is necessary to navigate to the "Manage Content and Structure" page to access the Copy and Move actions. With CopyMove, users can access them directly from the actions menu or the item menu in list views.
Administrators can configure transaction limits. Moving and copying many large volumes of data in one transaction can be very time consuming leading users to believe that the application has entered a deadlock. Consequently, CopyMove enforces a limit on the number of files and the total MB that each user is allowed to select for one transaction. The limit is configurable from Central Administration - but only to a ceiling of 2 GB.
Web Service API. For programmatic access to the Move and Copy functionality.
Logs transactions to the SharePoint Audit log. CopyMove automatically logs all transactions to the SharePoint audit log if it has been enabled for the site collection in question.